We are pleased to announce the 9th Mexican Workshop on Applied Geometry and Topology, which will be held virtually on gather.town during the mornings (Mexico City time) of November 10th and 13th-15th. This year, our main topic is discrete and combinatorial homotopy theory, although we will also have research talks and poster presentations in a variety of other areas of applied geometry and topology.
Discrete homotopy theory originated in an effort to use tools from homotopy theory to study combinatorial objects, particularly digital images and graphs, in addition to studying metric spaces 'up to a given scale'. With the rise of topological data analysis, there has been a resurgence of interest in treating 'discrete and combinatorial' objects with techniques from algebraic topology, and the range of the homotopical tools used has greatly expanded in recent years. This is an area of particular interest to us at CIMAT, and we are excited to have this year's mini-course dedicated to this topic.
Our poster session this year will be on November 10th, and is jointly sponsored by the Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network (AATRN).
Mini-course speaker:
Discrete Homotopy Theory
Chris Kapulkin, University of Western Ontario
Maru Sarazola, University of Minnesota
Gregory Lupton, Cleveland State University
Laura Scull, Fort Lewis College
Daniel Carranza, Johns Hopkins University
Teresa Hoekstra-Mendoza, CIMAT
Julián Candela, CIMAT
Important dates
Poster Abstract Deadline: November 6th, 2023
Poster Submission Deadline: November 8th, 2023
Registration Deadline (to attend without presenting a poster): November 8th, 2023
Jesús Rodríguez Viorato, CONAHCYT-CIMAT
Antonio Rieser, CONAHCYT-CIMAT