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    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text ever since.

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The event does not have a registration fee. However, we would kindly ask for a voluntary donation of $25 USD (approximately 450 MXN) from professors and postdocs. Please make your donation before November 8th, 2023. Any funds which are collected in excess of what is necessary for the workshop will be used to support CIMAT student participation in conferences and research visits.

After your registration, please do your payment by:

Transferencia y depósito bancario a la cuenta:
Nombre: Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C.
Banco: BBVA México S.A.
Cuenta no.: 0120714003
CLABE: 012225001207140030


In the CONCEPT you must only enter your CONFIRMATION KEY, which you will find in the email provided in your registration.




If your payment method is PayPal, you must introduce into the following box a confirmation key included in the email confirmation. After, you can click on the "Pay now" button.





